Monday, January 5, 2015

Blog 11: Holiday Project Update

1. Over the break, I did some more hours with my mentor. It was pretty slow since I went in a few days before Christmas, but hey, hours are hours right? I also did a little catching up on research checks. I went back and finished notating sources I hadn't completed.

2. The most important thing I learned from the hours I did was that physical therapy can be very physically and emotionally draining for the patients. I was observing my mentor work with a woman who had shoulder pain for the past year, and all of a sudden the woman sort of broke down, like not really crying, but not really not crying, you know? Regardless, she appeared to be very distressed. I overheard her say how she was just tired. Tired of the pain, tired of not being able to handle simple motor function, and tired of being tired of all that stuff. Sometimes the marginal improvements from weeks of physical therapy can be underwhelming at best. I know from personal experience how frustrating it is when you feel like you're not recovering, or not recovering fast enough. That's just something that really stuck with me from this mentor ship experience. The emotional toll can be severe, and it's something you don't really stop and think about 'till it's staring you in the face.

3. If I could interview my mentor, Andrea Haston, again, I'd definitely interview her for this 10 question. She's very knowledgeable and passionate about her work. If that's not an option, I'd have to go with her co-worker Manny. Manny is a PTA, so he works directly under my mentor. He gives off this vibe of wisdom, which I think is rad. He's definitely someone I'd be down to interview.

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