Tuesday, September 30, 2014

More PT stuff.

Things at Casa Colina have been picking up a little since I first started my mentorship there. I'm slowly learning to do more around the office and I'm starting to understand more of the terms thrown around. I still have no intention of going into PT as a career, but I have found that I really dig learning about anatomy. Normally theres not much I can do to help out, so a lot of my mentorship is just observing what goes on in a physical therapy center. But I get really stoked when my mentor tells me to come watch her do evaluations or soft tissue massage stuff, because she always explains the anatomy concepts behind it. 

The PT staff at Casa Colina are super cool to talk to. They're always really supportive of the senior project, and they've given some great advice regarding what I want to do with my future. When I tell someone I want to pursue anesthesiology, they're always like "woah, that's a good job. You gotta really like science." That just motivates me even more to go after this job, because I'm pretty good at science (chem, physics) and I really like learning about it, too. 

I gotta say Casa Colina has grown on me a bit. I wasn't super into my mentorship at the beginning, but I'm starting to feel more comfortable every time I go in to get hours. This experience will undoubtedly benefit me if I do go into the medical field.

 Well that's about it for this month. I don't know how I can get pictures on this blog. It's kinda bumming me out. Oh well. 

Till next time, yo. 

1 comment:

  1. I really do want to see pictures! Have someone show you how. I'm also happy to hear that you are starting to enjoy your time.
