Monday, September 8, 2014

Blog #5: Mentorship and Research Reflection

1.  Getting my current mentorship was pretty easy, since it was my fall-back plan. My mentor Annie is my mom's friend's daughter, who I've actually met before at parties and such. I already knew she was a physical therapist, so I told my self if I wasn't able to get an anesthesiologist to mentor me, I'd hit her up. I thought I had an anesthesiologist who was down to help me out, but he bailed at the last minute, so at that point I had to get my back-up plan going. All it took was a quick phone call and I was all set. So yeah. It was pretty lucky I had this back-up. Otherwise I'd probably still be looking for a mentor.

2.  By far, the most important source I've come across is the APTA's Book of Body Maintenance and Repair. Mrs. Ortega was nice enough to loan it to me, and after quickly skimming it I knew there was going to be a lot of great information inside. The book is divided into two parts. The first half is all about specific body parts, what they do, how they can be maintained and injured, and how they affect one another. It's got more of an encyclopedia feel to it, as it's very dense with facts. The second half contains in depth explanations of physical therapy methods for different parts of the body and can be read straight through like an article. I plan to refer to this book frequently throughout my research so I can get the most out of it.  

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