Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Blog 23: Senior Project Reflection

1. Positive: I'm most proud of the fact the I pretty much talked for 90 minutes non-stop. I had a bunch of content and I feel that I definitely kept the energy up the entire time. I think I spoke well and gave an entertaining and informative presentation.  I also think it's really cool that I talked passionately about a topic I have zero passion for. It's boosted my confidence in my presenting skills and it feels good to know that I could easily do it again if I had to.

2.a I'd give my block presentation a P+. I think I hit all the necessary points pretty well and I easily reached a full hour of pure content so that's where the + comes in.

b. I'd give myself a P. I did what I was expected to and I did it effectively.

3.  During my senior project I really hated my topic so I think I did a bang-up job setting that aside and grinding it out to deliver a quality presentation in the end. It worked out well that I presented the first day because I've been ready to finish senior project since day one.

4. If I had to go back in time and change something I'd change my topic entirely. Probably something about music because then I could research something I'm actually passionate about and for my independent components I could've done some recording like I've always wanted to.

5. Senior project has definitely made me confident in my ability to hunker down and deliver solid work when I'm required to. I think I budgeted my time better than I did in past years, and I've gotten so used to the stress of long term deadlines that at this point I'm not even worried about college or anything. My senior project definitely helped me narrow down my career options. I know for a fact now that I will never want to be a physical therapist, but I also know that I could really thrive in a medical career if I decided to pursue one. This project has made me realize I have the interpersonal skills and intellectual capacity to talk fluently to pretty much anyone and also digest monumental amounts of information. Even though I went through the process kicking and screaming I feel that senior project has actually changed me for the better and helped me hone skills that were on the back burner for a while.  

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