Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Post

March has been pretty uneventful regarding senior project. There weren't very many research checks because of powderpuff and other stuff, and I've been ahead on sources for a while now so research hasn't been very intense. I've been going to mentorship at Casa Colina pretty regularly lately, but it's getting really boring. I do the same thing every time I come in and I've pretty much lost all interest, but I'm halfway done with hours so I guess I'm happy about that.

For my last interview I think I'm going to talk to my aunt. I never knew I had a physical therapist in my family so I'm kinda stoked. I think it'll be a fun interview, plus I won't have to go into Casa Colina to get it done. I'm starting to hate that place.

I'm fairly confident about the I-Search paper coming up. I've done a ton of research this year, and I think I'm a decent writer so I'm sure it'll be a cakewalk. Things are starting to wrap up this year which is pretty exciting. I just want to do my 2 hour presentation already and be finished with it all. Waiting around is killing me.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Blog 18: Interview 4 Prep

Answer 3
1. What works in our current healthcare system?
2. What doesn't work in our current healthcare system?
3. From your experience, what would you change about the current system? And why?
4. What are your thoughts on patient-centered care?
5. Why do you suppose healthcare has not shifted into this model of care yet?
6. What do you think the long term effects of a shift into patient-centered care will be?
7. Are there any other healthcare models/theories that may start popping up in the future?

Answer 2
8. What difference does good patient education make in the final outcome of treatment?
9. What would you say qualifies as "good" patient education?
10. What are some outcomes of poor patient education?
11. What would be considered inadequate patient education?

Answer 1
12. What makes the initial systems review so important in physical therapy?
13. Is there any part of the systems review that requires closer attention to detail? Why?
14. Was there ever an eval that you did that went pretty badly? What circumstances made it difficult?
15. How can a PT ensure their initial eval is as comprehensive as possible?

Other questions
16. How can a physical therapist best establish good communication with a patient?
17. Is there any singular factor that will, for lack of a better term, "make or break" the effectiveness of a patient's care?
18. How does patient/P.T relationship affect the overall care experience? How does it compare to the relationship between patient/doctor?
19. What would you say is the difference between "effective care" and "efficient care?" Could you pick one over the other if you had to?
20. (EQ) How can a physical therapist best ensure a patient is effectively cared for (in an outpatient p.t. program)?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blog 17: Answer 3

EQ: How can a physical therapist best ensure a patient is effectively cared for in an outpatient P.T program

Answer 3:
Implementing the "patient-centered care" model will ensure high-quality care for a consumer participating in an outpatient P.T. program.

  • In the past, patient involvement was limited to physicians giving patients the opportunity to ask questions. But if a doctor rattles off a whole lot of confusing medical terminology and follows up with "Any questions?", the patient is overwhelmed and will be inclined to say "no." The patient-centered approach to this involves "inviting" patients to participate in the thought process as to enhance clarification and put everyone on the same page.

  • Since patients rely on caregivers to take them through the healing process, it's crucial for all members of the healthcare team to have open lines of communication with both the patient and other team members. A patient's perception that their multiple caregivers are not talking to one another about the plan of care can lead to frustration and feelings of exasperation. In the patient-centered model, care is highly coordinated among healthcare professionals, the patient, and the patients family, with open communication ensuring the care is consistent and thorough.

  •  Patient centered care places heavy emphasis on the environment in which the care is taking place, and the technology used to facilitate the flow of information. A physical therapy facility with a good design that supports and nurtures the healing process goes a long way. Quality supportive technology engages patients and family members by submerging them in the flow of information and communication.
"Patient Centered Care: What Does it Take?" - Dale Shaller
"The Value and Values of Patient Centered Care" - Ronald M. Epstein, MD, and Richard L. Street Jr. PhD.
"Practical Approaches for Building a Patient-Centered Culture." - patientcenteredcare.org

This answer seems like it could be my strongest answer. The amount of research out there and the pressure to shift to this model of care is really intense, so I think this is definitely the right direction to head in.
